Digital Storytelling and Making

Hi there,

I’m wondering if there would be interest in sessions which explore digital storytelling and related making activities.

I’ve been doing a bit of this as part of my work -

And I would be happy to do something at the space especially if there were others interested.

I’m particularly interested in using Free Software and low cost recording devices to record and edit stories, creative ways of creating and showcasing QR codes for online stories (laser cutter anyone?), and developing apps to make story trails.

Does anyone know people doing similar things?

Tnx Mick

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I’m interested but more as a spectator interested in these new ways of telling a story.

Hi there,
Does anyone know anyone who knows the people that did the Pennine Heritage App trail?

@ozone I’ll keep you posted as to how this goes. Ideally, I’d like to do a kick off with people interested to see who is out there in the woodwork.

I have a feeling it was Andy Flannery, who @treb0r knows quite well.

Thanks @9600 - @treb0r do you know if that’s the case?
nice one

I’m not entirely sure. Back when I worked with Andrew we did some stuff for Pennine heritage but that was years ago. I really don’t know who did these trails, sorry…

I have a feeling it was Andrew and maybe working with “American Tony”.

Surely Frank Woolrych would know, @9600?

Good point, he likely would.

Thanks for your help! I’ve tried to follow this up and I’d like to invite them to the space for a workshop. I’ll keep you all posted.
