Art & Technology

ArtRage for Android or Apple, @paul123 . There’s a free version, & a paid for app for £4.50. The latter has multiple layers, which the free one may not.

ArtRage looks great.

I’m planning to do a session on ArtRage next Tues, @treb0r, on tablet or phone, showing people how to paint on it . . .

Is that tomorrow @RoboGuy? Tuesday 4th? I might come and have a go.

Yes, ok, @treb0r. Sorry, I’ve only just put a blog post on the website front page, so apologies everyone for the late notice. Pre-install at least the free copy of ArtRage for Android/ tablet on a smartphone or tablet.

Sorry if anyone was planning to come along for this tonight. I was planning to use the space to assemble some EL wire for Todmorden Lamplighter, but I’m not feeling well today, so will work at home instead.

Discussion on Tuesday 6th December from 7pm.

Got any ideas about art projects we could pursue with community organisations? A recent project for Todmorden Lamplighter went well, so what next? Hebden Bridge Art Festival’s theme next summer is ‘water’ - chosen before the Boxing Day floods! What could Bridge Rectifier do as visual art, or even transforming wave patterns etc into sound/ vibrations? What about Todmorden Lamplighter for next year - more electroluminescent wire/ interactive pieces in the trees/ laser-cut images on edge-lit acrylic sheet with Tod High/ light painting onto glow-in-the-dark paint - just for starters?

Want to get involved, or just want to offer ideas/ useful contacts etc? Come along from 7pm. Please comment here.

I’m planning to be down the space tonight - for anyone wants to discuss potential future art projects for community projects or anything else. I’ve had a response from HB Arts Festival, so would like to talk that through.

In response to my enquiry about BR getting involved in Hebden Bridge Arts Festival, they say:-

  • Interested in river sensors

  • Talking to Element (jewellers?) about displaying digital work

  • Would like BR to run hands-on open day of some sort

  • Looking for empty building to take over & fill with installations/ programme of events

This raises the prospect of BR doing various stuff - any of: light, sound, interactivity, robotics, 3D-printing, laser-cut pieces, LoRaWAN and more. We could also maintain a presence there, and use it as an opportunity to promote the group to visitors.

Who’s up for getting involved - in any way at all?

Sounds good!

We should definitely do something and I’d love to help, but I’m going to be fairly busy with organising next year’s Wuthering Bytes, so I can’t commit to much on this. However, there is a lot of potential for doing stuff with LoRaWAN and this is something where I’m already doing work and can offer to help. I plan to open up next Tuesday, 13th, to spend an evening tinkering with this, should anyone would like to join me.

There’s no Art & Technology session tonight as I’m having a break.

Probably sensible to also at this point in the year.

Planning to skip the electronics/LoRaWAN session next Tuesday, given that we’ll be busy getting everything set up for laser cutting.

I shan’t be able to run the next Art & Technology session, scheduled for Tues 7th Feb. Apologies, but I don’t know how to edit the calendar - any chance you could delete the entry for me, @treb0r or @9600. Any guidance on future calendar editing would be much appreciated.

@RoboGuy, I’ve done it this time, but you just need to go to Google Calendar and make sure you have ticked the box to display the Bridge Rectifier shared calendar, following which you should be able to edit events. You already had access, but maybe you’ve not done this before…

I have only just joined BR & started my subs , so this post may not work but anyway , I wondered if anyone would be interested in doing the earth computer thing up on the moors again - using the mitt etc ? I’m also keen to know more about the burning part- it looks so exciting from the blog. I think Derek is the person who knows the most?

I think it was an expensive workshop to put on, as it was run by someone extrenal to the group. It may have been part funded by individuals. I don’t know whether we’ve got enough knowledge within the group to run a part of it ourselves? Maybe we could make & use the gloves to create weird sounds? It was certainly a fun day . . .

Apologies for the short notice, but I’d like to run an Art & Technology night this Tuesday, starting at 7pm. I plan to focus on laser-cutting, showing how to load & tweak a JPG image, and how to work with fonts where the letters remain intact when the material is cut through completely.

I’ve re-scheduled the Art & Technology session for April from 4th (usually first Tuesday of month) to Tuesday 18th. I’m away next week. Alteratively, I could make Thursday 13th, but I’d prefer not to have it in the same week as electronics meetup with @9600. Let me know what suits people best.

My aim is to focus on laser-cutting.

  • I can show people how to clean up a scanned JPG.
  • I plan to have a working prototype of acrylic sheet, lit from 1 edge by LEDs.
  • I’ll have played with different settings on plywood by then as well, so will be able to show how the wood grain complements an image.
  • I want to create a mock-up of a perforated lampshade to show at the town meeting on 12th April, and maybe a basic 3D criss-cross slatted frame for something.
  • Whatever stage you’re at, if there’s any help you want with laser-cutting, come along & we’ll work through it

This session is being cancelled, due to a clash with the science event on 18th run by @Giles. The next sessions are 2nd May, 6th June & 4th July.

On 2nd May, the emphasis will be on designing for 3D by using the laser-cutter, and/ or help with members’ laser-cutting projects.

I’ve only just come across all this fantastic work you’ve been doing guy- (I probably need to change my email alert settings? ) .really lovely cutting! I hope to come along on may 2nd
also bumped into caz who said there’s another laser cutting open day tomorrow? - sorry i have to be in preston for lunch but what time will you finish?
also still interested making an earth mitt if others are too?