@monsonite, you should meet @WetEmoFish, an electronics engineer who lives on a canal boat.
@WetEmoFish, you should meet @monsonite, an electronics engineer from The South, who has just bought a canal boat close by to BR.
@monsonite, you should meet @WetEmoFish, an electronics engineer who lives on a canal boat.
@WetEmoFish, you should meet @monsonite, an electronics engineer from The South, who has just bought a canal boat close by to BR.
In that case I hope I can be the first to pass on my deepest sympathies!
I’ll be up late tonight - hopefully before 2am last orders.
I have an alternator to fit tomorrow and then need to take stock of what is needed.
If you are free - please come along - where are your moored
I do have a busy weekend ahead. It’s my Squadron’s AGM this week and I have an awful lot to do for that. But it would be nice to head up and see her.
I’m on the HBC in Huddersfield, next to the university. As are my tools and things. And a marina - that’s open 10 - 12.
Where is your vessel (who is nameless but looking at the colour perhaps we could try Haemorrhoid?) parked?
Andrew - I’m moored at Mayroyd moorings right next to HB railway station.
The boat is called Mary - and it’s “mauve actually”.
07852 14 34 14