New member, Andy, re-aligned the laser-cutter mirrors on Wed, and taught a bunch of us the process at the same time. I took photos & short videos, and have since typed some notes. I’ll probably try loading something onto the wiki after I’ve reviewed photos & videos. Yesterday, I tested the outcome by laser-cutting a little sample in each of the 4 corners - I can confirm it’s all working great. Big thanks, Andy
I’ve been comparing different ways of slicing the same design. In MDF & plywood, there’s a nice contrast between scorched edges and unscorched surfaces; the laser giving a warm glow to the upward face of cut material, whereas the rear face remains plain.
With acrylic sheet, cut edges would be the same colour as material faces. The more significant issue becomes light transmission if a light is encased in a hollow shell. Looking to test fluorescent acrylic soon … …
Today myself and @RichardC were laser cutting (thank you!! Really good to finally make something!) and Ali from the front shop in Hebble End came in and @RichardC also helped her create something. I chatted to Ali about becoming a member and being able to use these tools whenever she liked and she said it was worth the membership just for what she had done today - so hopefully she will sign up and we have a new member who will use the space and the facilities.
looking good Guy! Keen to see the acrylic versions.
Last Wed, @picus and I helped potential member, Debs, experiment with glass. We tested the BR keyring piece, as a combination of engraved text and scored lines, not trying to cut through. Whenever we tried scored lines to outline small text, the glass cracked. Engraved areas came out with a neat finish. Scored lines were lumpy. Debs found she could break glass along scored lines. Although it wasn’t neat, it’s good enough for stained glass because it’d be covered by lead edging. Otherwise, it would need to be ground smooth, or fired in a kiln. Debs was going to try kiln firing some pieces of coloured glass after laser-cutter scoring. We’re waiting to hear back . . . .
We also helped potential member, Michael, to cut tweed for hats (in segments). We ended up with settings 40/ 27/ 23 (speed/ power/ corner power) to cut through with minimal scorching. We’re hoping the burning smell dissipates, or it may not be a selling point!