Hello all,
Excuse my first post being an announcement but @9600 made me do it. I am a member of Oxford Hackspace if that counts for anything?
South Pennines Local Nature Partnership : The Science of Floods
South Pennines Local Nature Partnership : The Science of Floods SUN, 8 MAY AT 10:30, HEBDEN BRIDGE TOWN HALL
This event is a learning event - pure and simple. We have invited hydrologists, practitioners and experts from universities and the world of consultancy to inform the discussion around catchments and flooding. How do catchments respond in flood events ? What happens in an extreme event ? How can modelling help predict future events ? What is Natural Flood Management ? How can information collected by residents help improve predicting future events ? Of course, there will be talk and discussion about recent events - but this is a wider learning event rather than a consultation event.
On Sunday morning amongst others I’ll be talking about Flood Network and how we’re using low-cost sensors connected using the Internet of Things to produce flood alerts and information. In the afternoon there will be demonstrations in the courtyard and I will be there demonstrating Flood Network and hoping to show flood sensor devices connect to The Things Network at Bridge Rectifier. There are other demonstrations such as JBA’s big watery flume and more.
If you’re interested sign up here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/south-pennines-local-nature-partnership-the-science-of-floods-tickets-21718615965
Hope to see some of you there,
I’m going to this event. Anyone else up for it?
I also plan to update the BR flier, making special mention of the work by @9600 into setting up a LoRaWan network & plans to build flood/ moisture/ air quality sensors. We need to raise awareness of BR & recruit more members, so this looks like a good opportunity.
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This was a really interesting event, with lots of good speakers. It was organized by Pennine Prospects, who will provide a link to all the presentations soon - maybe from here:
People were interested in Ben Ward’s flood sensor work for Oxford Flood Network. So, hopefully he’ll get a load of orders from it. It’d be good to promote what we’re doing locally in this field amongst groups represented, as we can all help each other.
@flood_network also offered to put me in touch with someone at Oxford Hackspace, so I can review how to grow BR’s membership amongst artists & makers.
Hi Guy,
Thanks for coming down to the event. I met a lot of interesting people and got one or two leads, which was useful. I think there’s some need for a few sensors at the confluences from Tony Millroy of Upper Calder Flood Prevention group.
Happy to introduce you to Lauren of Oxford Hackspace, just give me your email address.
Thanks @flood_network. My email address is: guylymer1@gmail.com - I look forward to hearing from Lauren.
Pennine Prospects have now made available a copy of all the presentations on their website. I found it a really interesting event.
See: http://www.pennineprospects.co.uk/news/the-science-of-floods
I was particularly impressed by Stuart Bradshaw’s presentation on ‘plate weirs’, preferably with a letter box aperture, and leaky dams. A plate weir can be lodged in a ditch to slow the flow of water high up on the moors. It struck me as a low tech solution, if enough of them can be installed in the right locations.