Looking forward to them sharing more details of the sensor hardware, along with how they created that fantastic looking dashboard. Would be amazing if we could deploy some air quality sensors along with river and moisture level, and also create web based dashboards for them that look like that!
I like the idea of deploying air quality sensors in market street (as it is a notorious spot for air pollution). I’m sure that some enlightened shop keepers would be interested in providing us with somewhere to put them.
Hi everyone…i am new here. I am a hardware design engineer and learning from bridge rectifier about the new technology and the latest hardware. I havn’t worked with the Air sensor before but i think the idea shared here is superb. These can be installed at many public place. But i also want to learn more about it.
Hi @AdlerClerk and welcome! Air quality sensors is one application we are considering.
The next electronics meet-up is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday 14th June and I plan to bring along some LoRaWAN hardware, looking at how you connect this to the Things Network with the new backend infrastructure. This would be a good opportunity to learn more.